Windows Command Line lab 1. Open the Command Line Interface (show final results in one screenshot): 1. Click the Start button. 2. For Windows Vista, 7, and 8, access the Run command by pressing the Windows logo key +R. 3. In the window that opens, type cmd. 4. Select OK. 2. The help command: 1. Type help at the command prompt. Describe the results in your lab. 2. Use the help command to learn information about the following Key Commands: help, dir, cd, cls, echo, del, md, rd (for instance, type help md to learn about the md command). 3. Record the function of the following Key Commands in your lab (i.e., “The time command displays the current time and allows you to change it.”) 3. Apply Switches: Add a switch to change a command's behavior. In Windows, a switch follows the format /letter (/A, /B, etc.). 1. Try the following switches with the dir command (dir /X). Record the function of each in your lab. Use the help command if you need help iden...
Evinizdeki, su kacagi tespiti is yerinizdeki her turlu tesisatta su kacaklari ileri teknoloji urunu kamerali cihazlar ile noktasal olarak tespit edilir.
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Pis su kacagi tesbiti icin kamerali cihaz , temiz su kacagi tespiti icin ise ozel dinleme dedektoru kullaniyoruz.
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Tesisatinizdaki su kacaklari, su sizintilari cok kisa birsurede tespit edilir ve onarilir.
Kamerali ve diger gelismis cihazlar yardimiyla kirmadan dokmeden su kacagi tespiti ve onarimi yapilir.
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