Great Sites

T h is is a ve ry in te re st ing re ad . Ha s an yo ne e v e r co n side re d t he al te rn at i ve op ti on s ? I me an so me th i ng o th er th an th is . Wo ul d i t gi ve t he sa me ou tc o me a s th i s ? I just g ot curi ous abo ut wh at su ch an op ti on wo uld me an . Am open to suggestions please reply to my comment Id really like to know .

ecoregion plants

write a 2 page report describing the plant you selected. Include the following in your report 1) description of the cross timbers Eco-Region 2) describe the plant and how this plant fits into the region 3) describe what is this plant's wildlife/ ecological value is 4) describe what its economic and/or edible value is 5) describe what its cultural, and/or historical value.


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