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T h is is a ve ry in te re st ing re ad . Ha s an yo ne e v e r co n side re d t he al te rn at i ve op ti on s ? I me an so me th i ng o th er th an th is . Wo ul d i t gi ve t he sa me ou tc o me a s th i s ? I just g ot curi ous abo ut wh at su ch an op ti on wo uld me an . Am open to suggestions please reply to my comment Id really like to know .

The film District 9 raises difficult social and ethical issues, many of which have direct relevance to our lives today. In this assignment

The film District 9 raises difficult social and ethical issues, many of which have direct relevance to our lives today. In this assignment you will argue for a specific moral response to the situation in the film and apply the argument to a contemporary socio-political issues (international refugee crises, immigration, racism and police brutality, global poverty, etc.). Your moral argument must draw on a of the major, philosophical moral theory (Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Virtue ethics) and include a critique of the the competing theories. Define your terms, explain the core concepts, and anticipate objections. Your ultimate goal is to persuade the reader of the applicability of your ethical foundations and exhort the reader to a specific course of action in response to the crisis. This assignment will require some research on the social issue that you have chosen so that you can argue from the facts of the situation (cite your sources). You will also need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the major ethical theories. EVALUATION In addition to the normal writing expectations for a college level argumentative paper, the essay will especially focus on the following features: • Explanation of the issue/problem • Evidence of an understanding the complexity behind the issue (must identify your sources) • Identification of assumptions that moral agents may make regarding the issue and whether these are founded. • Clear statement of your position (thesis) and a persuasive argument for why you hold it. • Anticipation of and response to potential objections to your argument. • Clear statement of further implications of your position. BEFORE TURNING THE ESSAY IN MAKE SURE: 1. The essay has an interesting TITLE of your making. Don't just call it Ethical (critical) thinking assignment. 2. Make sure that you have cited all sources. If you used material and do not give credit to the source, it constitutes PLAGIARISM - and I am required to report all plagiarism to the Honor Council. If in doubt, cite. 3. Make sure that your essay is a unified essay that can be read on its own. It should not look like an assignment that is merely doing tasks. Unity and flow, including smooth transitions between paragraphs, are marks of a well written essay. 4. Include the honor code at the bottom of the essay. This essay should be between 1200-2000 words


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