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Business success in the increasingly complex global economy, demands a high degree of productivity and effectiveness from all employees, both

Business success in the increasingly complex global economy, demands a high degree of productivity and effectiveness from all employees, both on an individual level as well as performance in teams. Ollila (2013) tells us “For the future challenges the world faces are complicated and global in scope. They cross borders. They potentially affect all of us. They will require far more collaboration between government, business and civil society — not less” (para 1). In your reading for this week you have learned about teams and challenges to business success. For this 3–4 page (not including cover and reference pages) APA compliant paper, respond to the following: 1. The most significant challenge(s) you see in this rapidly changing global economy to business success for startup companies seeking to expand globally. Your thoughts and hypothesis on these challenges should be supported by at least two scholarly sources in addition to the readings and videos for this week to achieve a high degree of credibility. 2. Describe the skills that will be needed by leaders, individuals, and teams to overcome these challenges. Support your thoughts with research from at least two scholarly sources in addition to the Reading and videos for this week to achieve a high degree of credibility. 3. Provide a work or personal example of a time when you took a leadership role, what skills did you use in this leadership role and what the results were. If you looked back, was there anything you would have done differently to be more effective? 4. Conclude by providing specific examples of how you can use this information to achieve successful performance in the Marketplace simulation. NOTE: IF YOUR RESEARCH EFFORTS PRODUCE SCHOLARLY SOURCES THAT SUPPORT THE RESAERCH REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 AND 2, THEN YOU WILL ONLY NEED TO USE TWO SOURCES PLUS THE REQUIRED READINGS. For a review and tutorial on how to write a scholarly, APA-compliant paper, review Getting Started with APA Style from the Academic Writer resource. Need additional assistance on evaluating information and sources? Visit the Purdue Global Library videos and tutorials page, which provides many valuable resources. Submit your paper to the Unit 1 Assignment Dropbox. 2001D References Ollila, J. (2013). Facing up to our global challenges in a volatile world. Vital Speeches of the Day, 79(1), 15-18. Grading Rubric The rubric seen below is representative of the information seen in Individual Focus Paper Rubric area of the Syllabus. Please refer to the Syllabus for additional information. Unit 1 GB500 | Business Perspectives Criteria Maximum Points 1. The most significant challenge(s) you see in this rapidly changing global economy to business success for startup companies seeking to expand globally. Your thoughts and hypothesis on these challenges should be supported by at least two scholarly sources in addition to the Reading for this week to achieve a high degree of credibility. 25 2. Describe the skills that will be needed by leaders, individuals, and teams to overcome these challenges. Support your thoughts with research from at least two scholarly sources in addition to the reading for this week to achieve a high degree of credibility. 25 3. Provide a work or personal example of a time when you took a leadership role, what skills did you use in this leadership role and what the results were. If you looked back, was there anything you would have done differently to be more effective? 20 4. Conclude by providing specific examples of how you can use this information to achieve successful performance in the Marketplace simulation. 10 5. Writing style, research, grammar, APA format, and citation style compliance. 20 Total 100 NOTE: IF YOUR RESEARCH EFFORTS PRODUCE SCHOLARLY SOURCES THAT SUPPORT THE RESAERCH REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ITEMS 1 AND 2, THEN YOU WILL ONLY NEED TO USE TWO SOURCES PLUS THE REQUIRED READINGS


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