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T h is is a ve ry in te re st ing re ad . Ha s an yo ne e v e r co n side re d t he al te rn at i ve op ti on s ? I me an so me th i ng o th er th an th is . Wo ul d i t gi ve t he sa me ou tc o me a s th i s ? I just g ot curi ous abo ut wh at su ch an op ti on wo uld me an . Am open to suggestions please reply to my comment Id really like to know .

Explain what the study of public finance is and how is it related to economics?

Explain what the study of public finance is and how is it related to economics? Explain the relationship between positive analysis and public economics. Explain the relationship between normative analysis and pubic economics. What is an example of an individual right that clashes with social responsibility?


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