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T h is is a ve ry in te re st ing re ad . Ha s an yo ne e v e r co n side re d t he al te rn at i ve op ti on s ? I me an so me th i ng o th er th an th is . Wo ul d i t gi ve t he sa me ou tc o me a s th i s ? I just g ot curi ous abo ut wh at su ch an op ti on wo uld me an . Am open to suggestions please reply to my comment Id really like to know .

For this assignment you will need to venture forth and attend a religious service different from what

For this assignment you will need to venture forth and attend a religious service different from what you may be familiar with. Attendance must be during this academic term to receive full credit. Any type of service may qualify such as a wedding, prayer session, meditation or bar mitzvah. The requirements are: that it be different from your own religious experience, that it be done during this term and that it be an actual service involving several people (not an interview). When you have completed your service experience you will submit a presentation on the service. Your presentation should have a visual (pictures, video) component and be about 5 minutes long. Your presentation should cover the following: Where and when the service occurred. What type of service was it? (a regular service, or a special event such as a wedding, feast or Bar Mitzvah). How long the service lasted. What was the mood or tone of the service? (happy, sad, pious). How you felt. Would you go back? This assignment will be two to three pages. 800 words minimum. Your work may have print or be spoken, if you use video only for your presentation. Techniques you might explore for your presentation are; PowerPoint, video link, narrated slide show, Prezi, Jing or any video capture software. This is a creative opportunity! Please make sure you fulfill the assignment prompt and the rest is up to you. Religion Service Presentation Grading Rubric 100 points maximum. Each presentation should have the following: An Introduction. Introduce yourself; name, where you went for your service. The Basics. What type of service was it? Who is this group or religion? A story or argument. Tell the story of your religious experience. Describe the event, mood and how you were treated. How did you feel? A conclusion. Would you recommend this experience to others? Wrap up your presentation by reminding your audience of where you went. Please note: this is a safe environment where people can present their views without judgment. Please feel free to speak from your experience or observations. On the other hand, do not judge others or proselytize a given belief. Grading rubric: A clear introduction, graded on delivery: do you engage the audience? Are you clear? 5-20 points. Basics. Supports the introduction. Tells the audience who. Engages the audience: uses interesting pictures or video or tells an engaging story. 10-20 points. The Story. Effectively summarizes your experience. Covers the elements of where, when, what and why. Shows sincerity, uses humor or emotion. Engages the audience. 20-40 points. Conclusion. Would you recommend this to others? Concise summary of the experience. 5-20 points.


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